Kujawiak & Oberek

Two of Poland’s national dances – performed in traditional Lowicki costume. The dance begins with the slow and romantic Kujawiak demonstrating rhythmic spins and embraces. Suddenly and with explosive pace the vigorous Oberek bursts into the spotlight with brilliant acrobatics from the men and delightful finesse and grace from the women.


Krakowiak is one of the most popular of the Polish national dances and heralds from the city of Krakow. Women wear a wreath of flowers on their head and men proudly display brilliant peacock feathers in their four-cornered hats. Our choreography takes you back to a 13th Century town square suddenly attacked by invading Tatars!

Kaszubski | Kashubian

The Kashubian region in Poland stretches south west from the mouth of the Wisla River. This is a dance of the sailors and fishermen from the Baltic coast. The costumes reflect the Scandinvian influence on Polish culture. Historically this flirtatious and joyful dance was performed to commemorate important events of the Kashubian people such as a harvest or a wedding. It is by far our most requested wedding dance and has been performed around the country!


This dance originates from the Greater Poland region and was danced by upper class land owners and nobles. Our choreography follows the story of a beautiful young girl who is about to be married off to an older wealthy land owner whom she finds a terrible bore. She longs to replace him with a handsome young suitor. The men dance while cracking hand-crafted whips showing off their high social status.

Polka Lwowska-Warszawska | Warsaw-Lwow Polka

This dance showcases city street style folklore heralding from 1930’s Warsaw and Lwów. This was a time where the city rascals would gather on a lazy afternoon for a few games, drinks and frivolous shenanigans! The choreography incorporates a medley of dance styles including the waltz, polka, tango and cancan! With tongue-in-cheek lyrics, playful and lighthearted moves the dance represents a celebration of life.

Spiski | Spiš

Spisz is the newest choreography in our repertoire. The region of Spisz is located in South Poland, between the High Tatra Mountains and the River Dunajec. The dance is a fusion of Polish, Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian cultures reflecting the incredible history of this region. The pace of this dance begins gently but quickly escalates to a vibrant and exciting crescendo. It’s a great display of our dancers’ virtuosity.

Lublin | Lubelski

The string of Lublin dances have a creative zest and richness about them, each with variations in rhythm and tempo, changing lines of movement and a variety of figures performed in succession. You will witness the Lublin Waltz, the bouncing and joyful Lublin Mazur, the traditional Mach, a Lublin Oberek, and the lively Cygan and Osa.